Why Sustainable Golf Course Development Is Need Of The Hour?

 Sustainable Development is the need of the present time not only for survival of mankind but also for its future continuation.By circumstance, architects have always been leaders of the movement. Now we have the opportunity to be even more proactive in design, construction and management, to set the bar even higher and solidify the foundation for sustainability. In golf, the term came into use primarily in relation to the environment, and is most often defined in ‘green’ terms, but in the wider community, sustainability covers far more. A truly sustainable course must enhance its environment, be a viable economic proposition, and play a positive role in the social and community life of its surrounding area.  Good environmental practice and design is the result of a multitude of factors and a thorough understanding of how these factors interrelate on a specific site in a specific locale. Certain principles are meant to be used as a guide to making good decisions relative to the planning and siting, design, construction, maintenance and operation of a golf course. Sustainable development is dependent upon two key concepts: needs and limitations. Needs refers to those in need—the world’s poorto which overriding priority should be given. The limitations are those “imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment’s ability to meet present and future needs.” ‘Positive development’ goes beyond sustainable development trying to revitalize the living systems that humans have disturbed. The focus should be on saving resources, both natural and financial. Among them are:


 • eliminating unnecessary turf and installing new drought-tolerant grasses along with irrigation system sensors and software to reduce water usage.

• Wider natural vegetation buffers around ponds and wetlands increase filtration and cut mowing time, while enlarging natural wildlife habitats.

• The use of integrated pestmanagement systems involves daily scouting for problems and spot treatments that minimize the use of potentially harmful, and always expensive, chemicals. Recycling and composting waste— everything from grass clippings to clubhouse kitchen refuse—can be a source of natural fertilizer and require fewer costly landfill trips.

• Even encouraging clubs to buy more local products is part of the communityenhancement side of sustainability.

• Expanding wildlife habitat is a major sustainability goal. Replacing golf turf with native grasses can create new habitat for native wildlife.

• The emphasis should be on maintenance that uses biological products hence minimising the need for pesticides.

• To be able to adopt greenkeeping practices that maintain a healthy, fast and firm playing surface.

• Keeping irrigation to a minimum, but also largely preserving the green sheen that golfers seem to prefer. But the key to this approach is a substantial maintenance budget, allowing extensive syringing of greens 14 to cool grass which is perfectly sustainable. Even so re-modelling can improve a course’s prospects to a great extent.

To more Information bout the Sustainable Golf Development India Visit our website https://www.greenlinks.in/


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