Benefits of Sustainable Golf Development!
The game of golf is a sport and business that is rich in tradition and value. Golf facilities and their leaders should continue to hold high standards of performance as pillars within their communities. The sustainability agenda represents a huge opportunity for successful long-term golf facility management and should be embraced for the way it can drive business performance, golf course profile and profit. A sustainability philosophy will position facilities and industry proactively and will help address environmental issues and regulatory pressures. Generally recognized sustainability values and benefits include:
• Realized direct cost savings .
• Pollution prevention.
• Water quality protection.
• Water conservation techniques.
• Wildlife and habitat enhancement .
• Education and outreach.
• Increased customer loyalty and attraction.
• Reduced risk and increase positive returns.
• Utilize risk management assessment and practices.
• Optimize irrigated turfgrass areas.
• Incorporate technology into irrigation decision making.
• Strict erosion and sediment control plan.
• Improved relationships/image.
• Improved overall branding.
• Healthy turf areas on the golf course.
• Increased employee relations.
• New or enhanced innovation or technologies.
Great golf respects its surroundings and honours the natural environment. As a green space, often in the middle of towns or cities, it provides natural habitats and ecosystems, improving the overall quality and treading lightly on natural resources. And fitting into the surrounding communities, golf provides employment, recreation and education. For instance great golf enhances landscapes and ecosystems, creating and sustaining beautiful and biologically rich open spaces. Similarly Golf is responding across a wide range of areas from low resource turfgrass to energy for the clubhouse and machinery. Also more and more golf businesses are mindful of their chain of supply when purchasing. It’s often only a small mind-shift that can make a big difference. Thus a well planned, designed, constructed and managed golf facility can improve air, water and soil quality through sustained, consistent land and resource management.
Implementing sustainability works best with a fully integrated project team from conception and planning, through design, construction, and management. Crucially, all professionals must be engaged early enough in the process 30 to ensure that their inputs, insights and solutions are maximized. Thinking ahead to anticipate potential problems and putting in place contingency measures is the core of sustainable golf development. To reinforce due diligence in protecting the quality of the environment and consideration of local people one must represent the comprehensive breadth and depth of best practices to be applied. Focusing on being eco-superior from the outset paves is the only way for a truly ecologically rich, resource-efficient and community-engaged development. 31 The biggest wins and losses are framed during the earliest stages of project planning so make sure to paint a powerful picture of your sustainability vision and objectives. And focus concisely on how sustainability cuts to the heart of what you are seeking to create.
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